Jesus had Anxiety too.

Many individuals experience anxiety, which can be a significant challenge. To be formally recognized, anxiety must meet specific criteria outlined in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), persisting most days over six months. Anxiety often involves excessive worry about various aspects of life, such as work, school, or social interactions, including performance situations like exams or meeting new people.

Symptoms of anxiety can manifest as restlessness, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, irritability, and sleep disturbances. When anxiety becomes overwhelming and persistent, it's crucial to seek assistance. At its core, anxiety is rooted in fear and can be debilitating, leading to panic attacks, and severely impacting daily life. In some cases, the physical symptoms of a panic attack can be so severe that individuals may seek emergency medical care.

The narrative of Jesus Christ, as depicted in scripture, presents an example of handling profound anxiety and fear. According to biblical accounts, Jesus experienced intense anxiety in anticipation of his crucifixion. During the Last Supper, a Passover meal with his disciples, he expressed his desire to share in the passover meal with his disciples and the awareness of His impending suffering (Luke 22:14-15, NIV). Despite his disciples' lack of understanding, Jesus found solace in prayer, seeking his Father's guidance and submitting to His will (Luke 22:42, NIV).

The scripture describes Jesus as praying fervently, experiencing such extreme anguish that he was sweating blood (Luke 22:43-44, NIV). An angel provided him with strength, allowing him to continue his mission. Even when he found his disciples asleep, unable to provide support, his faith in God's presence was unwavering.

Can you imagine that kind of faith and willingness to do God’s will even if it meant death because Jesus knew that the end results were going to be worth every drop of blood that he was about to shed.  Jesus was literally born to die.  He came from heaven to this earth and left everything he had to become a man just like us, to live just like us, and to be tempted and tried just like us.  He never tried to escape, retaliate, or save himself because he knew that as brutal as it may be, His mission was to save mankind. As a result of his great sacrifice, he built a way back to God with His own blood.  Jesus is the biggest blood doner this world has ever know because He gave it all. 

Did you know that God is with you too, if you only pay attention and draw closer to Him, you will feel his love and kindness.  He is a good father. 

In contemporary times, the world is rife with anxiety-inducing circumstances. The constant barrage of distressing news can easily provoke anxiety and fear. However, the Christian faith offers a different approach: turning to God and allowing His presence to permeate one's being. This spiritual connection provides strength and peace even amidst chaos.

Rather than being overwhelmed by anxiety and fear, the practice of turning to God and developing a closer relationship through prayer and the power of God’s Holy Spirit can foster inner peace. Jesus, even while facing mockery and suffering on the cross, demonstrated forgiveness and adherence to God's will, keeping humanity in his thoughts (Luke 23:34, NIV).

Worship and praise are encouraged as ways to combat anxiety and sadness. By engaging in worship, individuals can align their spirit, soul, and body, focusing on God's truth rather than their fears. This spiritual practice involves trusting in what is unseen and recognizing God's proximity, which is closer than any emergency room.

When praying, acknowledging God as the Heavenly Father and expressing gratitude can be the first step toward liberation from anxiety and fear. Deep breathing and surrendering one's worries to Jesus can be a daily practice, coupled with meditation on scripture. John 4:24 says to worship God is spirit and in truth and in Isaiah 61:3 it also says to put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.  

Next time you pray, acknowledge God as your Father in Heaven, thank Him for the day. Then take a deep breath in and as you breathe out say “take it Jesus!”  Do this daily and meditate on God’s word.  Soon you will be free.  Don’t stop until you are free because the Bible says that Jesus came to set you free so stop being a slave to anxiety and fear (John 8:36).

By Melissa Anne Hathaway LMHC, PhD
© The Vine Christian Counseling LLC


Clean Up on Aisle 3.