Change For The Better.

Change is hard work. It’s so easy to stay stuck when the battle you are facing is fierce. Maybe you are stuck in an addiction of some kind. It can be food, alcohol, drugs, sex, or whatever vice that is keeping you stuck. The battle to get free can seem so hard to face that people may choose to stay stuck. However, if you are going to be a slave to something, why can’t it be something good? I mean if you are battling an addiction like heroin, then you know the roads you have been on to keep up with that addiction. If you are struggling with alcohol addiction then you may be at a level where you are hoping you’ll make it home at night without getting pulled over, or worse, maybe you already lost your license or are still risking killing someone when you get behind that wheel. What about a food addiction. I know that one myself and the struggle to break free can be brutal. Each addiction is different and has its own set of challenges.

Real change begins when you decide to take your power back. Why not start RIGHT NOW! If you are at a point where you have had enough of your life being consumed then you can be free. Change is possible. Don’t give up, don’t settle back into the same patterns that keep you down because nothing changes, if nothing changes. Grab that bull by the horns and master it.

There is a scripture that was very eye opening for me. Many people have heard of the story of Cain and Abel but not many people know that before Cain decided to kill his brother, God spoke to him and told him in Genesis 4:7 “sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Sin is the very thing that hurts us and keeps us slaves. We can engage in it or we can control it by not allowing it to rule in our lives. I pray you are able to conquer whatever you are facing and that you can seek help through counseling and or through those who truly love you and want to help you achieve freedom.

When you conquer an addiction it is a freedom that brings gifts of strength, power, compassion, and a deep understanding of love because when you see others in the thick of addiction you understand and are able to be a help to them. You can do this!


By Melissa Anne Hathaway LMHC, PhD
© The Vine Christian Counseling LLC

If you are in need of treatment for addiction reach out to SAMHSA 1-800-662-4357

Click here to visit SAMHSA’s Website.


Paying for Peace